Julia Roberts Still Shooting in Bali


eatpraylove A movie made based on best-selling novel by Elizabeth Gilbert, with the title "Eat, Pray, Love", set the location filming done in India and Bali. The process of filming in Bali planned for 10 November and take place in the village Bentuyung.


The local village chief, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, was deeply embarrassed by the incident dozens of residents, who demanded pay thousands of dollars to compensate the use of location.


"There has been a misunderstanding, the crew team came early with 20 trucks from the shooting schedule which will take place 10 November. So the people offended and blocked the road", he said as reported by AFP. When the villagers were demanding immediate payment of USD 32.000 or approximately Rp.300.000.000.


India Julia Roberts He emphasized that these problems have been successfully completed and the crew was allowed to pass. In addition to completing these demands, the local stakeholders also apologize to Julia Roberts to offer an invitation to lunch at his house.


Widescreen version of the novel, written by Ryan Murphy, who holds a big name in adapting the novel by Best Seller, a work of gorgeous wide screen.


Disturbed Donkey

Ryan Murphy also told, interference is not only happening in Indonesia, but also occurs in India, precisely in the village Midzapur. While filming, a lot of donkeys roam freely therefore interfering with the filming. He was forced to repeatedly perform the same shots by two donkeys created a commotion on the set.
The residents could take action to climb the tree, and climbed to the roof of the house to watch Julia Roberts in front of the camera, but no one to demand extraordinary pay, as happened in Bali.

Ryan's two previous works, Running With Scissors, memory taken from the work of Augusten Burroughs and Dirty Tricks, which was adapted from the book by Martha Mitchell, wife of former White House chief of staff during the Nixon, John Mitchell.
Their ability to show their work, in finding the right side of the situation based on the true story. Simply put, the story of "Eat, Pray, Love" tells the life of Gilbert to be played by beautiful actress who soared through the movie Pretty Woman, Gilbert has assumed a perfect life, from her husband until the perfect apartment.

Amid his efforts to have children and fill the last part of the puzzle of his life, he was expected to a problem that led to the understanding that life is not perfect.
That was the beginning of the adventure Gilbert to find new challenges in life, finds himself. In "Eat, Pray, Love" Gilbert describes his adventures ranging from Italy, India, until the end in Bali.



Elizabeth Gilbert




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