including Computer Glitches and How to Fix Them

Many computer glitches including internet connections are easier to fix than you think.It doesn’t take downloading programs from the Internet.It doesn’t take any tools or special know how. All too often we go out of our way to look for a cure when the answer is staring us in the face.Worst of all sometimes our cures are worse than the disease.
Sometimes your computer becomes cranky for no reason you can see.It slows down, it glitches,and makes you think the worst.Don’t start downloading programs that you have never heard of and don’t understand to fix the problem. More often than not the fix is worse than the disease.The thing to do is ignore the problem unless it continues.

Many computer glitches are ones that wont happen again. Avoid fixing them. The leading cause of killing your computer is fixing something that isn’t wrong. Most glitches can be cured by turning off the computer and waiting a few minutes before turning it back on.

Computers aren’t wimpy.They are beasts of burden and can have a long life if you don’t mistreat them. Computer problems come about usually because of something you did.I know it’s embarrassing but it’s true. Once you understand that, it can be a mighty weapon to keep your computer working. Sit back and think of any of any recent changes you made to the computer.
It might have been adding a printer, updating a program or down loading a free program you found on the Internet. Now, undo them or use the Window System Restore to change the computer to the way it was before. If you don’t know about Windows System Restore, enter those words in the box for Windows help.
One computer expert describes a time when his computer would produce no sound. No music, no sound period. He tried everything he knew and some things he didn’t know. Then he checked the knob that controls the volume. It was turned off. His example tells you to check the obvious first.

Make sure the cables are plugged in and connected,and the controls are in the right position. Knowing when to quite is the best information a computer owner can have.There might be times when these simple steps wont work. When you are in over your head pick up the phone and call a professional.It might save you the price of a computer.

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